Maker Profile: Marika Svikis

Maker Profile: Marika Svikis

svikis. is founded by Marika Svikis, a Sydney based designer and technologist with a background in architecture.

Marika’s love for object and jewellery design was forged as a child, while spending time in her Grandad’s jewellery workshop. Craving the freedom and creativity of her grandad’s career and inspired by his self-taught approach, Marika established svikis. in 2017 shortly after graduating from architecture school.

Falling in love with minimalist and Japanese design during architecture school - the geometries, clean edges, surfaces and corner details - Marika chose to pursue this perfection in design through using technology to make beautiful homewares, objects, art and jewellery.

Marika’s work has been recognised both locally and internationally, with her unique and innovative collections being featured in numerous exhibitions and awards programs. 


How would you describe your creative practice in five words or less?

Architectural, Unique, Geometric, Evolving, Timeless

What material are you working with right now?

I'm loving working with acrylic and exploring the variations in the material and vast amount of colourways and finishes

What is your most used tool?

My laptop! Followed closely by my own hands.. Most of my designing happens on the laptop, while the prototyping and making is by me in the studio

What is inspiring you right now?

My circle of friends in the design and creative industry are my biggest inspiration! They are all so talented and the community is incredibly supportive

What makes you optimistic for the future?

More and more people loving and appreciating Australian design, our stories, our work and the value in locally made, sustainable pieces.

Shop Now: Object Shop online

Image: svikis, Layers - Sunrise Lamp, 2021. Photo courtesy of the artist; Image: Marika Svikis, Portrait, 2021. Photo: Courtesy of the artist

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