Sofie Neuendorf is an Australian ceramic artist who was raised with a love and appreciation for the arts. This love extended to her discovering wheel throwing as a teenager. Sofie pursued a Bachelor of Fine Arts (Visual Arts) at Queensland University of Technology (QUT) graduating in 2016.
During her studies, Sofie created 'Lunio by Sofie' as a creative outlet. Lunio means 'shape' or 'form' in Welsh and personifies the way Sofie sees the world and how this affects the design and creation of her work. She is inspired by the verdant hills of the rainforest, which is the daily view from her home studio in the Northern Rivers, NSW. Pieces are exclusively handmade by Sofie, bisque and glaze fired in a variety of kilns, including wood, gas and electric.
Sofie has created a range of mugs in a selection of glazes that are her most sought after work. However, she gets the most joy from throwing unique vases that are made to become statement decor pieces. Her creations are functional objects to be used at home every day as well for special occasions.

What do you make?
Handmade glazed ceramics including mugs, vases and other vessels sometimes using the Kurinuki technique.
What you love most about ceramics?
I am still amazed at the qualities of clay, that you can take this soft malleable material and create something that will last for generations.
There are so many steps in the pottery process that there is always something different to do in the studio, which helps my busy mind to stay focused.
On any given day those tasks might include throwing pieces on the wheel, adding a handle to a mug, packing or unpacking a kiln or glazing work to name a few.
Describe your studio space:
I have a small shed studio situated on the property where I live in the hinterland of the Northern Rivers. I’m so fortunate to look out from my studio to see the hills of the rainforest.
I have shelves on most of the walls to house work in its various stages. One of the walls above my large work table is covered in postcards that I’ve collected from around the world which keeps me inspired.
What new technique are you exploring?
I’ve been exploring for the past little while the Japanese technique of Kurinuki. Kurinuki translates to hollow out as you start with a solid block of clay that you then carve to reveal the piece.